• A butterfly is a mainly day-flying insect of the...
    Butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous,...

  • Chameleons are a distinctive and highly...
    They are distinguished by their parrot-like zygodactylous feet, their separately...

  • The Eurasian lynx is a medium-sized cat native to...
    It is also known as the European lynx, common lynx, the northern lynx, and the...

  • The tiger is the largest cat species, reaching a...
    Their most recognizable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on...

  • Cats have excellent night vision and can see at...
    This is partly the result of cat eyes having a tapetum lucidum, which reflects...

  • The domestic dog is a domesticated form of the...
    The term is used for both feral and pet varieties. The dog may have been the...




The flowers of plants that make use of biotic pollen vectors commonly have glands called nectaries that act as an incentive for animals to visit the flower

Some flowers have patterns, called nectar guides, that show pollinators where to look for nectar

Author: Mary Turner
Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis, aliquet eget, justo. Sed pretium blandit orci. Ut eu diam at pede suscipit sodales. Aenean lectus elit, fermentum non, convallis id, sagittis at, neque. Nullam mauris orci, aliquet et, iaculis et, viverra vitae, ligula. Nulla ut felis in purus aliquam imperdiet. Maecenas aliquet mollis lectus. Vivamus consectetuer risus et tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio.
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Categories: Flowers

Tags: butterfly, flowers