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The tiger is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.3 metres (11 ft) and weighing up to 306 kg (670 lb)

The tiger is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.3 metres (11 ft) and weighing up to 306 kg (670 lb)

Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus,...

7 Dec 2011

The cheetah is a large-sized feline inhabiting most of Africa and parts of the Middle East

The cheetah is a large-sized feline inhabiting most of Africa and parts of the Middle East

Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna....

7 Dec 2011

The Eurasian lynx is a medium-sized cat native to European and Siberian forests, South Asia and East Asia

The Eurasian lynx is a medium-sized cat native to European and Siberian forests, South Asia and East Asia

Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis,...

7 Dec 2011



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